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Recovering Files in Austin Disk Services

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0011240
Published on : 2024-01-05
Last modified : 2024-01-05 00:14:56
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

Files stored on Austin Disk shares are automatically backed up twice daily. The backup software utilized on Austin Disk allows you to recover files yourself in the event they are deleted or overwritten. It also allows you to compare current versions of files with previous versions. Backups occur at approximately noon, and again after business hours. Backups are retained for approximately 30 days.


Recovering Files

Note: This procedure must be completed on a Windows machine that is joined to the Austin Active Directory domain (see Is my computer on Austin Active Directory?).


  1. Ensure your computer meets the minimum requirements above. If it does not, see the section below for alternative methods.

  2. Open a File Explorer window and navigate to the file share that contains the directory of the files to be recovered.

  3. Right-click in the File Explorer window, then select Properties.

  4. Select the Previous Versions tab. You will see backups of the directory with date and time stamps on them.

  5. You have several options for restoring files:

    • Restore individual files within the directory - select the appropriate version of the directory, then click the View or Open button. Select the file(s) you want to restore, then copy and paste or drag and drop as you normally would to copy the file to your preferred location.

    • Restore entire directory but save the current version of that directory - select the appropriate version of the directory that you want to restore, then click the Copy button. Specify where you want the directory copied, then click Copy.

    • Restore entire directory and overwrite current version - select the directory with the appropriate date and time stamp, then click the Restore button.


      Note: This will overwrite any files you created after the date you restore from. This method is not generally recommended.


Alternate restore methods

If you are on a computer that doesn’t meet the requirements for end user recovery (such as a Mac), you can use one of the following methods to access the backups:

  • Connect to a Windows computer joined to the Austin Active Directory via Remote Desktop or Virtual Desktop and follow the steps above. Your department may also provide a Terminal Server joined to the Austin Active Directory domain or a vDesk service.
  • Contact the UT Service Desk to request a restore. Please provide the full path to the file or folder you need restored along with an approximate date and time the file should be recovered from.




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