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Not Authorized for Service

Number of views : 3
Article Number : KB0014370
Published on : 2024-01-09
Last modified : 2024-01-09 17:59:16
Knowledge Base : IT Public Self Help

When you sign on with your UT EID, you are performing the act of authentication: proving that you are who you claim to be.

Once you have been authenticated, the system you are trying to access then makes an authorization decision: determining what you are allowed to do.

As a result, though you are able to successfully sign on with your UT EID you may not be able to access a requested resource.

If this is the case, please contact the owners or maintainers of the resource which you are attempting to access. If you do not know who those are or how to contact them, try reaching out to the UT Service Desk or your local IT support team for assistance.




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