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Manually Updating Time Spent on a Ticket

Number of views : 0
Article Number : KB0016293
Published on : 2021-04-27
Last modified : 2021-04-27 16:10:57
Knowledge Base : ServiceNow - Public Self Help

Incidents and Tasks will automatically track fulfiller time spent during the time you have the ticket open on your screen. If you need to manually add time to a ticket to account for work that was done while the ticket was not actively open on your screen, you have two options:

Update the Time Spent Field

The easiest option is to manually enter the hours/minutes worked to the Time Spent field at the top of the Incident or Task form. Simply type in the amount of time you would like to add and it will automatically register and update on the ticket.

The second option is to create a new entry on the Time Worked tab at the bottom of the Incident or Task form. All time spent updates are logged here automatically, but you also have the option to manually create a new entry for time worked. This option is helpful if you want to provide details on how the time was spent or attribute time to a fulfiller other than yourself.

Scroll to the bottom of your Incident or Task and select the Time Worked tab.


Request Task:

Click New. On the following screen, enter your name or the name of the fulfiller you would like to attribute time worked to in the User field. Update the Time Worked field with the appropriate amount of time. If you'd like, add comments indicating how the time was spent. Click Submit to save the record and return to the ticket.

You will see the update reflected in the Time Spent section at the top of the ticket.

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